Bá Sabouke

Bá Sabouke holds a BA English from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. His writing revolves around Sufism and eroticism, while trying to reconcile the spiritual and the sensual mystery of being. Sabouke was a former Managing Editor of Konya Shamsrumi and, he’s the founder of Báaru Sèri, a Nigerian literature and creative sector broadcast media. He…

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Linda Jummai Mustafa

Linda Jummai Mustafa is a native of  Borgu Local Government Area of Niger State. She teaches African and African American literature at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State. What If…?, her debut collection of short stories, was named the first runner-up for the ANA Prose/Fiction Prize in 2021. She is also a featured poet…

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