Bá Sabouke

Bá Sabouke holds a BA English from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. His writing revolves around Sufism and eroticism, while trying to reconcile the spiritual and the sensual mystery of being. Sabouke was a former Managing Editor of Konya Shamsrumi and, he’s the founder of Báaru Sèri, a Nigerian literature and creative sector broadcast media.

He was joint-winner of the WRR Green Author Prize 2016. His published work include Rainbows and Fireflies (Authorpedia, 2016) and A Meccan Spring (Konya Shamsrumi, 2023). Some of his works have appeared on Agbowo, Libretto Magazine, Art Lounge, Praxis Magazine Online, Synchronized Chaos and elsewhere.

Sabouke is also a Co-founder and Director at Borgu Caravan, an Educational and Cultural Organization focused on creating a community of young writers, creatives and scholars around Borgu kingdom. The Borgu Caravan is the mother body of Borgu Book Club, Borgu Poetry Society, Borgu Online and Bisã Kyó Bè.

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